
2024 BASF Intrinsic® Holiday Spray Program

Build a foundation of plant health

The BASF Intrinsic Holiday Spray Program is your key to creating championship conditions for both cool- and warm-season turfgrass throughout the year. Designed around a strong foundation of plant health, this easy-to-follow spray program uses seasonal holidays to guide your applications of Intrinsic® brand fungicides, helping you control disease and conquer stress on your greens and provide relief to your fairways and tees during key times of the year. 


Set yourself up for greatness with a simple strategy rooted in real results — and deliver exceptional turf under the toughest conditions.


Downloads and Resources

Cool-season Turf Program: Memorial Day to Labor Day

Apply Intrinsic® brand fungicides before major summer holidays to protect your cool-season greens, fairways and tees from heavy disease pressure and summer stressors like heat, humidity and heavy traffic.

  June  July  August  September 
Greens Lexicon® Intrinsic® brand fungicide
spray around Memorial Day
Lexicon Intrinsic brand fungicide
spray around July 4th
Navicon® Intrinsic® brand fungicide
ideal for summer anthracnose
Lexicon Intrinsic brand fungicide  
spray around Labor Day
Fairways and tees Navicon Intrinsic brand fungicide


Honor® Intrinsic® brand fungicide
    Navicon Intrinsic brand fungicide 
ideal for fall dollar spot prep

Warm-season Turf Program: Halloween to St. Patrick's Day

Apply Intrinsic® brand fungicides throughout the year to protect your warm-season greens, fairways and tees from heavy disease pressure and winter stressors like reduced sunlight and cooler temperatures.

  October  November  February  March 
Greens Navicon Intrinsic brand fungicide
ideal for take-all root rot and spring dead spot
Lexicon Intrinsic brand fungicide 
for winter protection
Navicon Intrinsic brand fungicide
ideal for take-all root rot
Lexicon Intrinsic brand fungicide 
ideal for fairy ring
Spray ahead of aerification

September – October
Ideal for storm protection

Fairways and tees Navicon Intrinsic brand fungicide


Honor Intrinsic brand fungicide

Navicon Intrinsic brand fungicide    
