Basagran® T&O Herbicide

Better Post-emergent Control

Basagran T&O herbicide offers reliable, cost-effective postemergent herbicide control of yellow nutsedge, annual sedges, tough broadleaf weeds, and more. It can also provide weed control in ornamentals. When used as directed, Basagran T&O:

  • Provides a cost-effective yellow nutsedge control program.
  • Effectively eliminates underground tubers.
  • Delivers effective post-emergence activity, which allows flexibly timed weed control.
  • Can be used in cool- and warm-season turfgrass and ornamentals, and along roadsides.
  • Can be easily tank-mixed with other herbicides to affordably increase their spectrum of control.

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Say Goodbye To Sedges And More

In established cool- and warm-season turfgrasses, ornamentals and roadsides, Basagran T&O controls:

  • Yellow Nutsedge
  • Annual Sedges   
  • Common Purslane
  • Lawn Burweed
  • Musk Thistle
  • Canada Thistle
  • Wild Mustard
  • Spurweed
  • Ragweed
  • Galinsoga
  • Dayflower

How To Apply Basagran

Apply 2 pints of Basagran T&O per acre (or 0.75 fluid oz. per 1000 sq. ft.; or 5 teaspoons per 1-2 gallons of water). Use methylated seed oil (MSO) or crop oil concentrate (COC) with Basagran T&O. Apply Basagran T&O to actively growing weeds as postemergence broadcast or spot spray. Coverage of the target weed is important. Do not mow three days before or after application for optimal control. Use Basagran T&O in post-directed sprays around all ornamentals except sycamore and rhododendron. Basagran T&O may also be applied as an over-the-top application on certain ornamental species. For a list of these species, consult the product label.

For specific instructions regarding target weeds, appropriate spray equipment, nozzle selection and spray volume, consult the product label.

Always read and follow label directions.