Clarireedia jacksonii (formerly Sclerotinia homoeocarpa)
The disease name for dollar spot is derived from its symptomology on turfgrass; bleached to straw-colored spots roughly the size of a silver dollar. Dollar spot occurs on most cool- and warm-season turfgrass species.
Under close mowing conditions the sunken, circular straw-colored spots are distinct; however, with higher cutting heights, the bleached turf spots are typically irregularly shaped. As disease progresses, the spots can coalesce, causing a more general blighted appearance. In early morning, when dew is still present on the grass, a white web-like growth of the fungal mycelium may be observed, but will disappear as the dew evaporates and leaves dry.
On individual grass blades damaged tissue first appears as dark, watersoaked lesions. Eventually, the lesions turn light tan to straw-colored with a reddish brown border. Often the lesions will appear hour-glass shaped.
Dollar spot commonly occurs from late spring through late fall or early winter. Humid weather with warm days, cool nights, and heavy dew is necessary for fungal growth and development. Dollar spot is less prominent in hot or dry weather. The pathogens persist during periods of unfavorable development on leaf tissue and debris.
The cornerstone of your dollar spot program
The most effective way to control dollar spot is to stay ahead of it. BASF has an array of solutions for your spray program that will equip you with one of the industry’s strongest lines of defense against dollar spot.
Cool Season 28-Day Fairway Program
App # | Product | Timing |
Rate/ 1,000 sq ft |
Disease Target | Cost/Acre |
1 | Emerald® fungicide | April 15 | 0.18 oz | Dollar spot | $91 - $105 |
2 | Maxtima® fungicide | May 15 | 0.4 fl oz | Dollar spot | $100 - $120 |
3 | Xzemplar® fungicide | June 15 | 0.26 fl oz | Dollar spot, summer patch, brown patch, fairy ring | $120 - $148 |
4 | Navicon® Intrinsic® brand fungicide | July 15 | 0.85 fl oz | Dollar spot, summer patch, brown patch, fairy ring, anthracnose | $330 |
5 | Xzemplar® fungicide | Aug 15 | 0.26 fl oz | Dollar spot, brown patch, summer patch, fairy ring |
$120 - $148 |
6 | Maxtima® fungicide | Sept 15 | 0.4 fl oz | Dollar spot | $100 - $120 |
7 | Emerald® fungicide | Oct 15 | 0.18 oz | Dollar spot | $91 - $105 |
Start date to be determined by making first application when soil temps are 50˚F and turf has been mowed a minimum of three times. For improved fairy ring control, apply a soil wetting agent 1-2 weeks prior to beginning fungicide applications.
Apply Xzemplar fungicide in a program alternating or tank mixing with other registered fungicides that have a different mode of action. Follow Xzemplar fungicide label instructions on sequential use specific to target pathogens and other Group 7 products.
1. Start early
Treat your fairways with one application of Emerald fungicide in the early spring for superior disease control on most major turfgrass species. Emerald is BASF's value SDHI the focuses solely on dollar spot.
2. Stay on course
During mid summer, apply Navicon Intrinsic brand fungicide for long-lasting control of dollar spot, anthracnose and other target diseases plus the plant health benefits offered by Intrinsic brand fungicides, including longer, stronger roots and greater stress tolerance. Follow in late summer with one application of Xzemplar fungicide for control of dollar spot, brown patch and summer patch.
3. Finish strong
Later in the fall, apply Emerald fungicide to help put your turf to bed for the winter clear of disease.
Related Media
Tips & Tricks to Control Dollar Spot
Check out a few tips and tricks on how to control dollar spot on your course from Kyle Miller, Technical Service Specialist for the Greenhouse, Nursery and Turf business.