
Tower® Herbicide

Adaptive preemergent control 

Tower herbicide delivers selective preemergent control of annual grasses, sedges and small-seeded broadleaf weeds in golf course turf, lawns and ornamentals. 

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Key Benefits

Challenging Weeds - Preemergent control of goosegrass, doveweed, sedges, spurge, Poa annua and more

Adaptive Utility - Flexible rate range for warm-season and coolseason turf and short reseeding intervals

Premium Tank - Mix Partner - Readily mixes with preemergent and postemergent herbicides to expand spectrum of control

Enhanced Poa Defense - Residual control and early postemergent activity on Poa annua

Advantages of Tower herbicide

  •  Selective preemergent control of annual grassy weeds, broadleaf weeds and sedges
  • Inhibits shoot growth to control weeds as they germinate without root pruning effects on desirable turf
  •  Non-staining, liquid formulation readily mixes with other herbicides to expand spectrum of control
  • Reliable activation with just 1/4” irrigation or rain
  •  Can be impregnated or coated onto dry bulk granular fertilizers

Adaptive residual protection

  • Flexible rate range allows for applications to actively-growing warm- and cool-season turfgrass
  • Over-the-top tolerance on 100+ ornamental plant species in landscape beds
  • Tank-mix compatible with postemergent herbicides for extended residual control on bareground and gravel sites

Turf best use recommendations 

  •  Apply to dense and well-established turfgrass
  • Make applications spring through fall when soil temperatures are above 55ºF 
  •  Use 21 fl oz / A on cool-season turf types (bentgrass, Kentucky bluegrass, fine fescue, perennial ryegrass and tall fescue) 
  • Use 21 to 32 fl oz / A on warm-season turf types (bahiagrass, bermudagrass, buffalograss, centipedegrass, kikuyugrass, St. Augustinegrass, seashore paspalum and zoysiagrass) 
  • Water-in application to rinse residue from foliage and activate herbicide barrier 
  • Make sequential applications 5 to 8 weeks apart

See product label for full use instructions 

Drive-XLR8 Info

Product Specifications

Packaging: 2 x 2.5 gal

HRAC Group: 15

Active ingredients (%): Dimethenamid-P (63.9%) 

Use rate: 21 to 32 fl oz

REI/PHI: 12 hours / 0 days

Formulation: Emulsifiable concentrate (EC)

Key Weeds Controlled

Goosegrass, doveweed, annual sedges, spurges, annual bluegrass, Florida pusley, eclipta, Poa annua