Achieve peak turf performance with the powerful disease control and plant health benefits of Intrinsic Brand Fungicides.


Intrinsic® Brand Fungicides

Success isn't an accident - it's a science

When it comes to turfgrass performance, you expect greatness because greatness is the expectation. Intrinsic® brand fungicides have set the gold standard by delivering results that help superintendents take their courses to the next level. As the first brand that officially achieved EPA-approval for its plant health benefits, these foundational products give you the power to control disease, enhance growth, and grow more resilient turf from the roots up.


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Superior disease control- Intrinsic brand fungicides inhibit mitochondrial respiration in fungi, preventing disease from spreading so your turf can preserve energy and thrive while controlling up to 28 of the toughest turfgrass diseases with up to 28-day residual.

Increased growth efficiency- Intrinsic brand fungicides maximize the photosynthetic process of turfgrass, helping your turf grow stronger and more resilient from the inside out compared to turf treated with competitive products.

Enhanced stress tolerance- Turfgrasses treated with Intrinsic brand fungicides grow dramatically longer, denser root systems than the competition, improving the resilience of your course in the face of environmental stress, such as heat, cold and drought and mechanical stress, such as aerification.

Solutions for exceptional disease control and plant health

The family of Intrinsic brand fungicides creates a foundation for resilient, healthy turf across your course.

Lexicon® Intrinsic Brand Fungicide Pyraclostrobin + Fluxapyroxad The legend of long-lasting disease control and plant health benefits. It’s a foundational player in every rotation when failure is not an option, and the expectation is the healthiest turf possible. Anthracnose, dollar spot, take-all root rot, fairy ring, brown patch, summer patch, Pythium diseases, sprigs dead spot, rapid blight Greens, surrounds, approaches, sod/sprigs 4 x 21 fl oz
Navicon® Intrinsic Brand Fungicide Pyraclostrobin + Mefentrifluconazole A dual-action combination with the DMI that’s safe on any turf, anywhere, at any time on your golf course as both a broad-spectrum foundation and a powerful rotation partner. Anthracnose, dollar spot, fairy ring, spring dead spot, summer patch, take-all root rot, rapid blight Greens, tees, fairways 4 x 37 fl oz
2 x 2.5 gal
Aramax™ Intrinsic Brand Fungicide Pyraclostrobin + Triticonazole A new plant health powerhouse in a liquid formulation that combines two active ingredients for long-lasting and highly effective disease control on fairways Brown patch, large patch, snow molds, anthracnose, dollar spot, leaf spots, take-all patch, summer patch Fairways 2 x 2.5 gal
Insignia® SC Intrinsic Brand Fungicide Pyraclostrobin The original Intrinsic brand fungicide and a stalwart of disease control that bolsters your rotation at an incredible value. Brown patch, Fusarium patch, summer patch, take-all patch, fairy ring, Pythium diseases, rapid blight Tees, fairways, roughs 4 x 30.5 fl oz 2 x 2.5 gal
Honor® Intrinsic Brand Fungicide Pyraclostrobin + Boscalid A versatile fungcide formulated for fairways and bunker faces where disease control is critical. Dollar spot, fairy ring, leaf spots, brown patch, take-all patch, summer patch Fairways, roughs, bunker faces 6 x 3 lb
1 x 36 lb
Pillar® G Intrinsic Brand Fungicide Pyraclostrobin + Triticonazole A powerful combination granular that provides broad-spectrum disease control for the whole course, spot treatments, or areas where spraying is a challenge. Anthracnose, dollar spot, leaf spots, snow molds, brown patch, large patch, take-all patch, summer patch Surrounds, tees, roughs, and sloped areas 15 lb bag
30 lb bag

BASF Intrinsic® Holiday Spray Program

The BASF Intrinsic Holiday Spray Program, anchored by Intrinsic brand fungicides, is an easy-to-follow spray program that provides optimal disease control and plant health benefits all season long. Protect cool-season turf from stressors like heat, humidity and foot traffic and warm-season turf from stressors like cold temperatures and reduced sunlight.

Cool-season program
Apply before Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day

Warm-season program
Apply before Halloween, after Thanksgiving and around Valentine’s Day



Aramax Intrinsic® 
brand fungicide

Formulated for maximum disease control.

Intrinsic brand fungicides

Building a foundation of plant health across the course.

Building Foundations Around Celebrations

Pat Jones caught up with BASF sales reps to find out how their customers use the Holiday Spray program today and why it continues to grow in both popularity and value.

Disease Discussion: Intrinsic value of promoting plant health

Dr. Martin and Senior Technical Specialist at BASF, Dr. Emma Lookabaugh discuss plant health.