Maxtima® Fungicide

A ground-breaking DMI that's safe on any turf – at any temperature.
Welcome to a new era.

Maxtima fungicide is a cutting-edge new DMI that can safely and affordably be sprayed at any temperature, on any turf variety. It’s cost-effective for fairways and can be used anywhere on your course – on any turf – to help ensure disease-free playing conditions all year long.

Maxtima fungicide controls the toughest diseases including: 

Downloads and Resources

Labels, SDS and State Availability

Rep Finder

Cool Season Diseases

  • Dollar spot
  • Anthracnose
  • Summer patch
  • Fairy ring

For the full list of diseases, please refer to the label.

Warm Season Diseases

  • Spring dead spot
  • Take-all root rot
  • Fairy ring

“When we finally learned [Maxtima fungicide] was a DMI, we were shocked. We had applied this material to creeping bentgrass and ultra-dwarf bermudagrass greens during periods of the year where other DMIs are usually phytotoxic, but we hadn’t observed any phyto damage.” 

- Dr. Jim Kerns 
Associate Professor and Extension Specialist of Turfgrass Pathology, NC State University. 

Key Benefits

Controls the toughest diseases

Including dollar spot, spring dead spot and anthracnose.


A great fairway value

Strong residual coupled with a fairway price.


Advanced turfgrass safety

Spray on any turf, in any season – period.


Unique DMI chemistry

Great new rotation partner for greens fairways and tees.


The Reserve at Lake Keowee beat spring dead spot

Chris Vincent, Superintendent at The Reserve at Lake Keowee discusses his experiences controlling this destructive disease with the help of Maxtima® fungicide and Navicon® Intrinsic® brand fungicide.