2023 BASF Intrinsic® Holiday Spray Promotion Registration Form

To qualify for the Deluxe Grill Set offer, end users must purchase a minimum of $1,500 of qualifying Intrinsic brand fungicides between May 1 and August 30, 2023 and complete this registration form. Please allow 6-8 weeks to receive your grill kit.

All claims must be submitted by 9/30/23 in order to receive a BBQ Grill Set as part of the 2023 Holiday Spray promotion.

*Required fields.

Contact Information

Qualifying Intrinsic Purchase Information



Please be aware that by entering your personal contact information into this form it will be collected as set out in our Privacy Policy and our Notice under the CCPA.



BASF Intrinsic Holiday Spray Promotion Terms and Conditions

An end-user who purchases a minimum of $1,500 of qualifying Intrinsic brand fungicides between May 1 and August 30, 2023 will be eligible to receive a Cuisinart® 14-pc Deluxe Grill Set. Limit one grill set per golf course. Distributor agents do not qualify for this offer. Invoice dates for purchases of qualifying Intrinsic brand fungicides must be between May 1 and August 30, 2023. To claim incentive, end-user must visit betterturf.basf.us/holidayspray and provide all claim information. No exceptions. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of the grill set.


All claims must be submitted by 9/30/23 in order to receive a BBQ Grill Set as part of the 2023 Holiday Spray promotion.


Honor, Insignia, Intrinsic, Lexicon and Navicon are registered trademarks of BASF. ©2023 BASF Corporation. All rights reserved.

Keep your turf in peak condition this summer with the 2023 BASF Intrinsic Holiday Spray Promotion. Spend a minimum of $1,500 on any qualifying Intrinsic brand fungicide from May 1st to August 30th and receive a Cuisinart® 14-pc Deluxe Grill Set to help you enjoy the holidays while your turf is protected.

To receive the grill set, qualifying end-users must complete the registration form. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.​

Lexicon Intrinsic brand fungicide The legend of long-lasting disease control and plant health benefits, it’s a foundational player in every rotation when failure is not an option and the expectation is the healthiest turf possible. 59013840 4 x 21 fl oz
Navicon Intrinsic brand fungicide A dual-action combination with the DMI that’s safe on any turf, anywhere, at any time on your golf course as both a broad-spectrum foundation and a powerful rotation partner. 59018094

4 x 37 fl oz

2 x 2.5 gal
Insignia® SC Intrinsic brand fungicide The original Intrinsic brand fungicide and a stalwart of disease control that bolsters your rotation at an incredible value 59014134

4 x 30.5 fl oz

2 x 2.5 gal
Honor Intrinsic brand fungicide A versatile fungicide formulated for fairways and bunker faces where disease control is critical. 59012350

6 x 3 lb

1 x 36 lb

BASF Intrinsic Holiday Spray Promotion Terms and Conditions

BASF Intrinsic Holiday Spray Promotion Terms and Conditions

An end-user who purchases a minimum of $1,500 of qualifying Intrinsic brand fungicides between May 1 and August 30, 2023 will be eligible to receive a Cuisinart® 14-pc Deluxe Grill Set. Limit one grill set per golf course.


Distributor agents do not qualify for this offer. Invoice dates for purchases of qualifying Intrinsic brand fungicides must be between May 1 and August 30, 2023. To claim incentive, end-user must visit betterturf.basf.us/holidayspray and provide all claim information. No exceptions. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of the grill set.


All claims must be submitted by 9/30/23 in order to receive a BBQ Grill Set as part of the 2023 Holiday Spray promotion.


Always read and follow label directions.

All products may not be registered for use in all states. Please check with your state or local extension service. BASF reserves the right to cancel or modify this program at any time.

Honor, Insignia, Intrinsic, Lexicon, Navicon and Pillar are registered trademarks of the BASF corporation. Cuisinart is a registered trademark of Conair Corporation.
© 2023 BASF Corporation. All rights reserved.